Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

Guess what! National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day is just around the corner and it is time to show of your holiday spirit!

In 2011, ugly Christmas sweater lovers created National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day as a way to lighten up the busy holidays and to show off their absurdly, ugly sweaters. The day has grown in popularity and is celebrated worldwide.

2011, National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day has grown to be an international event. Now occurring on the third Friday of December, the celebration gives holiday lovers worldwide a chance to wear their ugly Christmas sweaters.

There are so many Ugly Christmas sweaters to choose from when shopping at stores. Well why not make your own? During the pandemic this is a perfect opportunity so save money and also DIY. You could simply find an old sweater and add your own special touch such as glitter, toys, ribbon, paint, ornaments, lights etc.

Here are a few ideas to get you started!

An ugly Christmas sweater with a Christmas tree on it
A woman wearing a sweater with lights

Keep in mind that there is no wrong or right way to create a one of a kind Christmas sweater!

Once you have made your fabulous sweater be sure to use #UglyChristmasSweaterDay or #ChristmasSweaterDay when you post on your social medias and also be sure to tag us at #quadclothing so that we can see your amazing work! Have a happy Holidays!


Off To A Great Holiday Season

Christmas is just around the corner and people are already setting up their trees and decorations for the holidays. Of course Christmas will be different this year because of the pandemic. Per day there can be up to 10,000 to 100,000 new COVID cases. Even though we all look forward to this holiday we should take proper precautions to make sure that everyone is safe. According to , the safest way to celebrate the holidays is to celebrate at home with the people you live with.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been stressful and isolating for many people. Gatherings during the upcoming holidays can be an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. This holiday season, consider how your holiday plans can be modified to reduce the spread of COVID-19 to keep your friends, families, and communities healthy and safe.

Here are a few tips on how to say safe this holiday

  • Check the COVID-19 infection rates in areas where attendees live on state, local, territorial, or tribal health department websites. Based on the current status of the pandemic, consider if it is safe to hold or attend the gathering on the proposed date.
  • Limit the number of attendees as much as possible to allow people from different households to remain at least 6 feet apart at all times. Guests should avoid direct contact, including handshakes and hugs, with others not from their household.
  • Host outdoor rather than indoor gatherings as much as possible. Even outdoors, require guests to wear masks when not eating or drinking.
  • Avoid holding gatherings in crowded, poorly ventilated spaces with persons who are not in your household.
  • Require guests to wear masks. At gatherings that include persons of different households, everyone should always wear a mask, except when eating or drinking. It is also important to stay at least 6 feet away from people who are not in your household at all times.
  • Encourage attendees to wash their hands often.
  • Provide guests information about any COVID-19 safety guidelines and steps that will be in place at the gathering to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • Provide and/or encourage attendees to bring supplies to help everyone to stay healthy. These include extra masks, hand sanitizer and tissues.
  • Limit contact with commonly touched surfaces or shared items, such as serving utensils.
  • Clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces and any shared items between use when feasible.
  • Plan ahead and ask guests to avoid contact with people outside of their households for 14 days before the gathering.

These are a few ways you can stay safe when gathering for family events. In spite of this we also encourage you to shop online this year instead of going out to stores were it will be crowded with ongoing shoppers trying to purchase gifts for their loved ones. This is also a perfect opportunity to spend time with your family and friends within your household instead of purchasing large amounts of gifts. This year take time to really engage with the community and give back rather than receiving.

In conclusion I suggest that you take some of these tips into account when celebrating Christmas this year!


PSsssssT and don’t forget to shop

What should we do?

We have had a long successful history with our “NQ4” Formula shirts.  Now we are deciding if we should stay Gold or launch Rose Gold. We at Quad love the gold drip logo, the look of the NQ4 and would like to keep those in place but change the color and incorporate the new design with the crest for the new year. In the past we have done black and silver, black and gold , also white and gold. A new year is fast approaching and it’s time for a new look but we need your help!
What do you think? Is it time for a new look or should we rock the black and gold for a bit longer? Here are a few pics of the QUAD family in the formula shirts from the past and a design of the new layout that would be on the shirts. Let us know what you think. Shoot us a response email at we would love to hear your thoughts! Also if you all decide we should move to the Rose Gold for the new year, we’ll be offering all of the old shirts at a huge savings. No worries, you’ll still be cute!

What’s Your Formula?

Today we’d like to reflect back on the Goodness of God. The #Nq4 #formula is Quad Clothing’s science formula for success.  It signifies many things about the line. The CEO of the Quad brand,Indrea Gordon says the formula is a combination of what makes her unique. It’s her makeup. She said her four children and her make up the brand. She says the reason behind the brand is to be able to leave a legacy. She works hard because of her children and Quad is a result of her hard work. The brand prides itself on building the inner person one garment at a time. Indrea says ” it’s never about the talent, it’s about the God-given gift”. If you use your gift to change the lives of others, your talents will always show superior. There is nothing greater than putting on a garment and feeling beautiful. Indrea says, “when a woman or girl feels beautiful in a garment, everything about her changes, even her walk”.

The formula T’s have been worn on various runways and by consumers across the US. In fact it is one of the years hottest sellers for the company. People are in love with the bling that so vividly shines across the chest. People have reported that when they wear their formula shirt, it draws attention and people everywhere want to know where can they get one. The testimonies continue to rake in about the formulas of the consumer. So the question is “WHAT’S YOUR FORMULA”?  What makes you successful? Whatever gives you the drive to be who you are, whatever motivates you, whatever defines you is what your formula is.  Feel free to share your formula with us. ex. God+family+Kim=success (G3K would be Kim’s formula)

Know Your Limitations

Tell me about it, well I’ll tell you. Acceptable fashion is something that can not be shaped or formed. One has to ask them self “is my attire for the day appealing to my body”? That’s the only thing that really matters right?
Well, in today’s society wearing smaller clothes to fit your body is very common. Actually slimmer clothing seems to be more acceptable now than ever before. The only thing that gets me is if the skin fat of your body sticks out further than your garment does, that is an indication the garment is not only too small, but it should also be totally off-limits to you. Style is a “self”  thing. So no one needs approval from anyone and that’s understood throughout the world.
The world is a big place and fashion is everywhere’ One thing the world has in common is when it comes to clothing, excessive fat squeezed in little clothing in public places are truly unacceptable. Know your limits!