Remember this is the season for Giving

Christmas is almost here and it is the season for giving! And by giving this does not necessarily mean giving gifts but giving up your time and love this year because that is what matters most.

Christmas is not always about the decorations, the trees, and the gifts. It is about spending time with your close friends and family and appreciate the time we have with one another.

I encourage you to stay at home this year and spend Christmas with a limited amount of members so that we can all prevent the spread of COVID-19 .

Here are a few tips on how to stay safe properly when gathering:

As cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to increase across the United States, the safest way to celebrate the winter holidays is to celebrate at home with people who live with you.

Gatherings with family and friends who do not live with you can increase the chances of getting or spreading COVID-19 or the flu.

  • Limit the number of attendees as much as possible to allow people from different households to remain at least 6 feet apart at all times. Guests should avoid direct contact.

  • Host outdoor rather than indoor gatherings as much as possible. Even outdoors, require guests to wear masks when not eating or drinking.

  • Avoid holding gatherings in crowded, poorly ventilated spaces with persons who are not in your household.

  • Require guests at you home to wear masks that covers both the mouth and nose, except when eating or drinking. It is also important to stay at least 6 feet away from people who are not in your household at all times.

  • Encourage attendees to wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

  • Provide guests information about any COVID-19 safety guidelines and steps that will be in place at the gathering to prevent the spread of the virus.

  • Provide and/or encourage attendees to bring supplies to help everyone to stay healthy. These include extra masks (do not share or swap with others), hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, and tissues. Stock bathrooms with enough hand soap and single use towels.

Now that you and guest are safe the fun can begin! Here are a few tips on Christmas Day activities that you can do with the family both virtually and in the home.

  • Share a board game or a virtual game that several people can play at one time. There is a fun Monopoly game on line that my kids enjoy. There is also good old fashion board games and card games such as Uno.
  • Do a zoom call and sing Christmas carols with other family members who are distant.
  • Do a drive by no contact gift giving. Then set a time for everyone to do a zoom call and open gifts and share.

If you just take the time to be creative you can come up with all sorts of fun things to do for the holidays!

Most of all, stay sanitized and stay safe this Holiday and remember that love and kindness is the best gift given and received!


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